Thursday, July 30, 2009

First Steps

Why does it seem that first steps are always the most difficult? I assume it is just the continual apprehension and questioning of "where am I going?" I keep reminding myself that I am moving and that is the most important part. Yet, it seems that I am carrying a heavy load and that is impedding my progress. Each step requires great effort.

It is time to put down some of the baggage that I seem to want to lug around with me. However, the baggage that I carry cannot be seen. It is like I am hauling around an invisible 50lb backpack. So the question is "what am I carrying?" and the only way to know, is to open up the backpack and peek inside to determine what is and is not needed.

As I unzip the backpack, there are literally hundreds of things that spill out. People, events, experiences are all jammed into this rather small container. Just like cleaning a closet, I must look at each item and ask some very important questions.

1. Is this past person/event/memory relevant to my life now? Why am I carrying it with me? Am I using it as a justification or excuse to be a victim? Does it really matter that when I was a kid someone made fun of me? Why am I holding on to "percieved" failures? Why am I lugging around an old boyfriend who I have not seen nor spoken to in over 20 years? Why does that thing that someone said in the past continue to have power over me now?
2. If I feel it is "relevant" - how am I using it now? Am I using the power and experience of the situation? Or am I using it as a "label" of identification? Do I want to wear this label? Does it represent who I am now or who I want to be? Remembering that the experience made me who I am today- does not mean that I need to continue to "be" the person who experienced it.
3. Are the people to whom I associate now enhancing my life experience or are they holding me back? Do they encourage me? Do I encourage them? Is our shared time together negative in nature?
4. What about my habits and behaviors? Am I a good friend? Do I do things for others with an open or loving heart or do I expect something in return? Am I honest or just say things that I know people want to hear? Do I agree with others merely out of a desire for acceptance or do I stand by my convictions?
4. What about all these ugly thoughts in this bag? Do I really need the anger, jealousy, resentment, anxiety and judgements?
5. Are these "things" real? Or are they just spectors/ghost from the past? Are the fears I carry real or figments of my imagination?

During this process I realize that most of what I carry with me, is utterly useless. Of course, there are things that are important to remember. However, I can remember the experience or lesson learned without bearing the weight of the entire situation. For example, I seem to have gotten involved with many people who were not a good match for me. Many of my past associations ended with negative feelings and a sense of betrayal. I can use the experience and be more careful about whom I choose to share my time, money, energy, and creativity with- but I do not have to haul the person and all the memories along on my journey.

I also realize that I must take time every so often and re-evaluate what I am taking along. For as I grow and move forward I will accumulate more events, experiences, memories and relationships. In order to keep my load light- I must take a look every so often so I do not end up with 50lbs. of garbage again. I also must be vigilant against the temptation to pick up the discarded items.

My "invisible" backpack is still there- it feels a little bit lighter. I know that there are still things that need to be unloaded- yet, I feel good that I have lightened my load just a bit. I am beginning to get excited about this new journey and cannot wait to see what lies down the path ahead of me.

I already have recieved a sign that I am on the right path. This morning while sitting on my porch drinking coffee, one of my neighbors walked by- she seldoms talks to me but today she did. She asked how I was and I asked her the same question- she replied "well, it is not always easy- but I have to keep keeping on- nothing can keep me down". I took that as a personal message for me and in turn, for you- keep keeping on.......

1 comment:

Jean Maurie said...

Hey Paula, love your blog! I am following you now. I had forgotten about putting people on ice, thanks for reminding me. We always wrap people in a soft blue blanket and it also works.

So true about letting go, we don't need to carry old baggage with us. Reminds me of Scrooge and the Ghost Marley who carried those chains around him all the time and visited Scrooge, remember that?

Love your writing :) Love you :)