Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trusting in The Un-Seen

I know that there is something fabulous waiting for me just over the next hill. However, I cannot see it. I feel it and sense that it is there, and I am a bit anxious to get there. There is a part of me that wants to run like the wind to speed up the process, but I also know that running will just wear me out and create more anxiety.

I believe that part of the experience is summoning an inner trust and knowing. An essential part of manifesting magic, is an unyeilding belief in what cannot be seen. Attemping to "figure out" the secrets to magic- takes away the mystery and thus destroys the magic.

The real "trick" is to allow the process to unfold and not manipulate the magic to fit what we think should or should not happen. What if, by attempting to figure things out- we change the very mystical structure of what lies before us? What if there is some amazing thing waiting for me- just a few steps away and my desire to dictate what I want it to be or what it should look like, changes it from the extraordinary to the mundane?

One of the most obvious lessons I am learning on this journey is that I meddle to much. Why do I allow my thoughts, feelings and habitual questioning of everything to disturb the "force"? What if by thinking there is a monster waiting to jump out from behind a rock- creates the monster? Does dwelling on all the terrible things that "could" happen actually give them life?

I choose to believe that we live in a magical place, and we are magical beings. This is sometimes a difficult belief to maintain, as most of the world does not believe in such silly things. But, what if it is not silly at all? Are those who DO NOT believe actually the silly ones?

Does the belief in illness, create illness? The belief in poverty create poverty? The thoughts of being lost and alone- manifest lonliness and despair? And if that is true- would believing in magic cause it to manifest? Maybe I have been using my magic for ill instead of good. Perhaps it is not the world, the people, the economy causing grief and despair- only the misuse of the innate and magical power that lives within.

Today I choose the believe that there is something wonderful just up the path. I do not know what it is, yet I know it is there. I feel it's powerful presence and know that it is only waiting for my arrival. I also know, that it has always been there- I was just to blind to see it.

What waits for you that you do not choose to see? Are you blind to the magnificent Angel that stands beside you? Can you see the magic that lies within you when you look into the mirror at your own eyes? Have you accepted the grim reality that the world has told you exist? Do you believe the lies that you are nothing special? Just for today, or for only a moment- believe in magic and that something extraordinary waits for you. I know that is what I am going to do.

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